Frequently Asked Questions

Setting up PayPal Website Payments Pro with Quick Shopping Cart

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Last Updated: June 16, 2015 12:27 PM

PayPal® Website Payments Pro is a credit card payment gateway. It lets you accept credit or debit cards at your Quick Shopping Cart® online store. Unlike other PayPal options, your customers don't make their payments at the PayPal website and don't need PayPal accounts.

However, you must create a PayPal account to get started. When you complete the steps to create a PayPal WebSite Payments Pro account, it also creates an account with PayPal Express Checkout. For more information, see Setting Up PayPal Express Checkout with Quick Shopping Cart.

In Quick Shopping Cart, PayPal Express Checkout acts as your default payment method. If you disable PayPal WebSite Payments Pro, PayPal Express Checkout becomes your active payment method.

PayPal Website Payments Pro is only available to merchants based in the United States. If you set up Quick Shopping Cart with an address outside the U.S., this payment option doesn't display. PayPal Website Payments Pro only works with U.S. dollars. If you enabled another currency, this payment option doesn't display.

NOTE: You must attach an SSL certificate to your account to use this payment gateway and accept credit cards online. For information about obtaining an SSL certificate, see Request an SSL certificate.

To Set Up PayPal Website Payments Pro

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Quick Shopping Cart.
  3. From the Quick Shopping Cart Account list, click Manage next to the Quick Shopping Cart account you want to use.
  4. From the Set Up menu, in the Operations section, select Payment Options.
  5. In the Credit Card section, click Set Up.
  6. Select PayPal Website Payments Pro.

    NOTE: You can have only one credit card payment gateway enabled at a time.

  7. Enter a Premier or Business Account E-mail Address associated with your PayPal Express Checkout account.
  8. On the Advanced tab, select the logo style you want to display on your storefront.
  9. Select the credit cards you want to accept.
  10. Select whether downloadable purchases receive Pre-Authorization or must be Authorized. Pre-authorizing purchases lets customers download them immediately after paying. When you require purchases to be authorized, it lets customers download them only after payments are completely processed.
  11. Note the Third Party Permissions Username. You need this information to complete the setup process.
  12. Click Save. You can now accept PayPal Website Payments Pro as a payment option.
  13. Go to
  14. Log in to your PayPal WebSite Payments Pro account.
  15. From the My Account tab, hover your mouse over the Profile link, and then under Account Information click API Access.
  16. If you're setting up a PayPal Website Payments Pro account for the first time, perform the following actions:
    • Click Grant API Permission.
    • In the Third Party Permission Username field, enter the Third Party Permissions Username you noted when you enabled PayPal Express Checkout in Quick Shopping Cart.
    • Click Lookup.
  17. To edit the permissions in your existing PayPal Website Payments Pro account, perform the following actions:
    • Click Add or edit API permissions.
    • Click Add New Third Party.
    • In the Third Party Permission Username field, enter the Third Party Permissions Username you noted when you enabled PayPal Website Payments Pro in Quick Shopping Cart.
    • Click Lookup.
  18. Select all the following permissions:
    • Use Express Checkout to process payments
    • Authorize and capture your PayPal transactions
    • Search your transactions for items that match specific criteria and display the results
    • Issue a refund for a specific transaction
    • Obtain information about a single transaction
    • Process your customers credit and debit card payments
  19. Click Add. Your account is set up.