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Manually Installing Concrete5 on Your Hosting Account

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Last Updated: July 15, 2015 1:17 PM

If you want to use Concrete5 to build your website, you can manually install it on a Linux hosting plan. The hosting account must already be set up before you can install any third-party applications. See Set up your account for more information.

To Manually Install Concrete5 on Your Hosting Account

  1. Create a MySQL database. For more information, see Create MySQL or MS SQL databases. Note your database user name and password.
  2. Once your database has set up, locate its host name. For more information, see Viewing Your Database Details with Shared Hosting Accounts.
  3. Download the latest version of Concrete5 here.
  4. Upload the ZIP file to your hosting account. For more information, see Upload files to your website (FTP) or Upload files.

    NOTE: If you want to make Concrete5 your website's home page, install it in the root of your hosting account.

  5. Unarchive the ZIP file to the directory where you want to install Concrete5. For more information, see Unarchive files and directories.
  6. Select the php5.ini file installed at the root level, and then click Edit.
  7. Add this line of code to the file:
    cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
    If there is already a line with the cgi.fix_pathinfo variable set to 0, change the 0 to a 1.
  8. Click Save File.
  9. NOTE: This setting affects all PHP scripts on the hosting account. Enabling it might interfere with other applications you have installed.

  10. Browse to the Web URL you installed Concrete5 to. Complete the following fields on the installation screen:
    • Name Your Site — Enter a name for the site. This is typically the domain name, or the company name.
    • Your Email Address — Enter in the email address for the site owner or administrator.
    • Server — Enter your database's host name.
    • MySQL Username — Enter your database's user name.
    • MySQL Password — Enter your database's password.
    • Database Name — Enter your database's user name again.
    • Install sample content — (Optional) Select if you want sample content installed on your site. Sample content gives you an example of how different types of content is used throughout the application.
  11. Click Install Concrete.
  12. A congratulations message displays, along with a temporary admin password.
  13. Click Continue to your site.

Concrete5 is now installed. For more information on using the application, visit