Frequently Asked Questions

Do you restrict any features in MSSQL 2005?

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Last Updated: November 17, 2013 12:27 PM

MSSQL 2005 provides many features which are powerful in an enterprise database environment, but which either aren't applicable or which create security concerns in a shared hosting environment.

Therefore, we restrict the following:

  • Service Broker - A messaging infrastructure that is not applicable in our shared hosting environment.
  • Web Services - We don't allow direct Internet connectivity to our SQL servers, per the security recommendations of Microsoft.
  • Full Text Catalogs — We do not permit users to create additional full text catalogs. The system will create one for each database when it is provisioned. Users may create full text indexes.
  • Reporting Services — We do not allow users to use SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS) in the shared environment.