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Searching for Files in Online Storage

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Last Updated: April 4, 2012 9:13 AM

If you need to locate a specific file, Online Storage offers two search options:

  • Basic Search — Quickly search files for a specific keyword without opening the full search feature.
  • Advanced Search — Select a value to search for, and narrow search parameters to specific fields, folders, size, and dates.

Use the Basic Search in the upper-left corner of Online Storage by entering your search term and pressing Enter on your keyboard.

To Search for Files Using Advanced Search

  1. Log in to Online Storage.
  2. Click Advanced Search located below the Basic Search field at the top of the folders list.
  3. In the Advanced Search field, enter the keyword, phrase, or other value you want to search for.
  4. (Optional) Enter parameters to narrow your search:
    • Type — Specify if you want to search files and/or folders.
    • Date range — Select a specific date range to search.
    • Size range — Enter a minimum and a maximum file size, and then specify whether the size is in kilobytes or megabytes.
  5. Click Search.