Frequently Asked Questions

About .FOOTBALL Domain Names

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Last Updated: June 2, 2015 5:14 PM

Football is one of the leading sports in the US, and soccer (also known as football) is the most popular sport internationally. The .football domain name is highly desirable to players, coaches, franchise managers, sports journalists, sponsors, or anyone else connected to the sport.

The .football domain extension is managed by the Donuts registry. To learn about the regulations and pre-registration information that apply to .football, see About Donuts Domain Names.

For information about Donuts' registration process, see Registering Donuts Domain Names.

The following dates apply to the .football launch plan:

Launch: 4/2/15 at 18:00 UTC

Trademark Holder (Sunrise)
Start Date: 3/24/15 at 16:00 UTC
End Date: 5/23/15 at 16:00 UTC

Early Access (Landrush)
Launch: 5/27/15 at 16:00 UTC

General Availability
Launch: 6/3/15 at 16:00 UTC

For .football pricing, click here.