Frequently Asked Questions

Why Use Forward to a Friend?

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:05 PM

All GoDaddy Email Marketing email newsletters include a Forward to a Friend Link in the footer of every email you send.

Why do we include a Forward to a Friend Link?

Word of mouth is one of the best ways to grow your email marketing list. The forward to a friend link empowers your current readers to quickly share an email with potential readers. If subscribers like your content, they're only a few clicks away from spreading the word to another inbox - up to five at a time, if they're really inspired!

How Can I Make The Most Of Forward To A Friend?

The forward to a friend link exists so contacts can share all of the great stuff you already send with people they know. So make it easy for your readers to share :) Add some encouragement in the actual text of your email, rallying people to share the email, if they feel so inclined.

Next to that forward link is also a subscribe link. Encourage new folks to subscribe! Add a short call to action for any readers that received the campaign via forward to also sign up for more great content.

The call to action does not have to be fancy. Just include something. This way, when people receive a campaign their friend forwarded, they can sign up simply without searching for the form.

Building a List via Forward to a Friend Helps Your Stats

With the forward to a friend and subscribe links, your list will grow naturally. Word of mouth list growth equals solid, even improved, view and click rates on future mailings. There are other ways to share, too! Check out our social share options and Facebook Sign Up Form, for added social reach.

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Can I Change the Location of my Forward, or Subscribe Link? Can I Edit My Footer?