Frequently Asked Questions

Unsubscribing from Emails

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Last Updated: March 25, 2015 6:00 PM

Are you are receiving emails from a GoDaddy Email Marketing user, and you don't want to get them anymore? If you ever wish to remove yourself from a list, just click on the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of any email that you have received. It doesn't matter if it's the latest email you've received, or if it's an email from months ago -- clicking on that button will automatically remove you from their list, immediately.

the unsubscribe button at the bottom of a GoDaddy Email Marketing email

Sometimes, you can find that button at the top of the email, instead of the bottom, but it'll look just the same!

And, if you're using Gmail to receive your emails, you can use a special link, right in the header of the email, that looks like this:

the unsubscribe link in the header of Gmail emails

If you're having trouble finding that unsubscribe button, or if you are continuing to receive emails, after you've unsubscribed - just call our award-winning support team 24/7 at (480) 505-8877! We'll get everything straightened out!