Frequently Asked Questions

Setting up an Autoresponder

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:03 PM

Click the Addons menu, at the top of your page, and select Add more. Scroll to the Drip Campaigns option, and turn it on. After it's turned on, you can access the Drip Campaign area by choosing Autoresponders under your Addons menu.

If you prefer, you can also click on the drop-down arrow next to your normal Compose button and choose the Autoresponder option.

Next complete these steps:

1. Name your campaign.

This should be something that makes sense to you; your subscribers won’t ever see it.

2. Choose your list.

The campaign you’re creating will send to every person that’s on that list once it’s running. As well as to contacts that are added to the list in the future. You cannot change the list later, so make sure you choose a list that works for your needs. Or feel free to create a new one.

3. Choose your intervals.

Decide when you want your sends to go out. You can choose “days,” “weeks,” or “months,” and then a number. So, if you have several different emails in your campaign, you can send a new one every 2 days, every 3 weeks, every 4 months, or whatever works for you! Learn more about intervals, here.

4. Select the immediate option, if needed.

Checking this box will insure that the very first email in your campaign goes out as soon as a contact is added to your list (or, if a contact is already on that list, as soon as the campaign is completed and activated).

Now, it's time to design the drips! :)