Frequently Asked Questions

Mailing Status Icons

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Last Updated: May 7, 2015 2:04 PM

All Mailing Statistics have a quick reference icon. GoDaddy displays these icons in the subscribers area; on the emails received tabs for each contact, and also in the suppressed list. Let's cover each mailing status icon below:

Mailing Status Icons:


The mailing was sent to this contact.


The mailing was successfully accepted by the contact. No other information is available at this time.


The mailing was viewed, clicked, or shared by the contact. Each engaged type has its own icon as well:

  • viewed

The contact viewed the mailing by downloading images.

  • clicked

The contact clicked a link in the mailing. You can click the url listed to find out more details.

The contact shared the campaign using a social share option, or the forward to a friend tool.

The social share icons also have individual share icons:

  • The contact shared the campaign on Facebook
  • The contact shared the campaign on Twitter
  • The contact shared the campaign on Pinterest
  • The contact shared the campaign on Google +


The mailing did not deliver successfully to the contact. For more on bounces and what they mean, click here.

Marked As Spam

The contact clicked the "mark as spam" or "report spam" button in the inbox. These contacts are automatically suppressed. Read more here: Suppression reason explained: Marked as spam


The contact unsubscribed from the email. These contacts are also automatically suppressed.