Frequently Asked Questions

Enabling SiteLock Direct Access for Your Managed or Fully Managed Server

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Last Updated: June 18, 2015 9:32 AM

If you have SiteLock with one of our Managed or Fully Managed servers setup (more info), you can enable direct SiteLock access to yourself or other users.

You cannot complete these steps if you have a standalone SiteLock account.

A few things about SiteLock direct access/users:

  • You cannot add new users with the Owner role. That's reserved specifically for the COMPANY_NAME account owner.
  • Users you add do not have access to add or remove any users, domains, or features. They can, however, view the dashboard, acquire the SiteLock Trust Seal, and open support tickets.

COMPANY_NAME Account Owner

  1. Log in to SiteLock (more info).
  2. Go to the Users tab.
  3. Next to the user with the Role: Owner, click Edit User.
  4. Enter a Name, password and confirmation, and then click Submit.

Other Users

  1. Log in to SiteLock (more info).
  2. Go to the Users tab.
  3. Click +User.
  4. Complete the on-screen fields, and then click Submit.

After setting up direct access, you can log in at using the user's email address as the Login ID with the password you created.