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Checking Your Account Status

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Last Updated: July 15, 2008 1:58 PM

You may have to wait up to 48 hours before you can upload files to your account (FTP), set up databases, or configure your Web site.

To Check the Status of Your Hosting Account:

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, select Hosting.
  3. Click the name of the account you want to check.

The Hosting Account Details window will appear on the right. This section displays the current status of your hosting account. In general, these are the different types of account status that you'll see:

Initialize Account
You need to set up your hosting account to use it. To set up your hosting account, click the name of the account you want to set up. We will walk you through the rest of the setup process.
Pending DNS
Your hosting account needs to match up with your domain name before you can upload files and manage your Web site. Depending on when you set up the nameservers for your domain, it can take up to 8 hours for your hosting account to match up with .com and .net domains and up to 48 hours for other domain extensions.
Pending Account Change
This account status displays whenever you have upgraded or downgraded your hosting account.
Pending Setup
This account status displays after you have set up your account. It may take a few minutes for us to configure your hosting account before you can use it.
Your account is set up. You may still have to wait up to 48 hours before you can upload files to your account (FTP), set up databases, or configure your Web site.

Once your hosting account is set up, you can log in to the Hosting Control Center to manage your account, set up databases, and install various Web site features.