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Editing or Deleting a Letterhead

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 3:40 PM

Once you have created a letterhead for use with your Web-Based Email, you can edit it or remove it at any time.

To Edit a Letterhead

  1. From the Settings menu, click Personal Settings.
  2. Click the Signature tab.
  3. To remove an image, click the Remove hyperlink for the image you want to remove.
  4. To add an image, click the Upload image hyperlink for the section you want to add an image to, and then locate and open the image.
  5. To change the frequency with which the image repeats, from the list, select an option.
  6. Click OK.

To Delete a Letterhead

  1. From the Settings menu, click Personal Settings.
  2. Click the Signature tab.
  3. Clear the Auto-insert letterhead in HTML compose window check box, or click the Remove hyperlink for the image you want to delete.
  4. Click OK.