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Creating and Previewing a Letterhead

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 3:43 PM

You can create a letterhead to use when sending a Web-Based Email message. You import images to the letterhead to create headers and footers, add a logo, add a background, etc. When you create a letterhead, you can specify whether you want the letterhead to load automatically when you send a message, and you can set the width of the message text not to exceed the width of the top and/or bottom images.

To Create and Preview a Letterhead

  1. From the Settings menu, click Personal Settings.
  2. Click the Signature tab.
  3. To automatically use the letterhead when you compose a message, select Auto-insert letterhead in HTML compose window.
  4. Click the Upload image hyperlink for the section you want to add an image to, and then locate and open the image.
  5. In the list, specify whether you want the image to repeat on the page.

    NOTE: You can add an image to multiple sections.

  6. To set the width of the message text not to exceed the width of the top and/or bottom images, select Match width of message text to width of top/bottom images.
  7. To preview the letterhead, click Preview.
  8. Click OK.