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Searching for Messages Using Advanced Search

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Last Updated: October 24, 2008 1:32 PM

The Advanced Search feature in Web-Based Email allows you to set parameters for searching messages for a given word or phrase. You can set any or all of these parameters for your search.

To Search for Messages Using Advanced Search

  1. Click the Adv. Search hyperlink, located under the Search field.
  2. In the Advanced Search field, type the value you want to search for.
  3. From the Folders To Search list, select the folders.
  4. From the Type list, select an option:
    • Phrase
    • All Words
    • Any Words
  5. From the Field list, select an option:
    • All Fields
    • From
    • To
    • CC
    • Subject
  6. From the Read/Unread list, select to search read or unread messages.
  7. From the Flagged list, select an option for searching flagged messages.
  8. From the Has Attachment list, select an option for searching messages that have attachments.
  9. In the Min Size field, type a minimum size, and then specify whether the size is in kilobytes or megabytes.
  10. In the Max Size field, type a maximum size, and then specify whether the size is in kilobytes or megabytes.
  11. From the Date From and Date To lists, select the month, day, and year that you want to search.
  12. If you want to use the selected options as your default options for future searches, click Set Defaults.
  13. Click Search.

NOTE: If you expect to use the search criteria again, you may want to save the search. For more information about saving search criteria, see Saving Searches.