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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 2:04 PM

If you need to locate a specific email message, you can search for it using one of Web-Based Email's search features:

Basic Search
Allows you to search email messages for a specific word or value.
Advanced Search
Allows you to select a value to search for and narrow search parameters to specific fields, folders, size, and dates.
Content Search
Allows you to search the body of email messages for a specific phrase.

If you frequently perform the same search, you can save the search criteria. Then, when you want to find a message, you can click the search name to find email messages that match the criteria you specified.

You can access the search features by clicking the Search hyperlink. You can also select a specific word or phrase and then use the right-click menu to specify whether you want to search for the text in your email. For more information about searching for content from an email message, see Searching for Content from Within Email Messages.