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Adding Contacts to Your Address Book

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Last Updated: February 9, 2009 5:26 PM

You create your Web-Based Email Address Book by adding contacts to it. When you add a contact, you can enter information about that contact, such as the contact's email address and phone number. You can enter as much or as little about the contact as you want.

The following sections show you how to add new contacts in different versions of Web-Based Email.

Email Legacy Version

    To Add a Contact to Your Address Book

  1. From the Address Book menu, click Add New Contact.

    NOTE: All fields are optional, but you should enter information in the Nickname, First Name, Last Name, or Email field so that you can identify the contact in the Address Book.

  2. Complete any of the following:
    First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name
    The contact's first, middle, and last name.
    The nickname you want to associate with the contact.
    Display Name
    The name you want to display when you add a contact to an email message.
    Email Address and Web Address
    The contact's email address and Web site URL.
    Home Phone, Business Phone, and Cell Phone
    The contact's home, business, and cell phone numbers.
    The contact's fax number.
    ICQ Number, AIM Address, Yahoo Messenger, and MSN Messenger
    The contact's user name or number for those programs.
    Home Address and Business Address
    The contact's home and business addresses.
    Whatever custom information you require for that field.
    Any comments you want to include about the contact.
    Distribution Lists Contact Belongs In
    The lists you want to add the contact to.
    Text Messaging Information
    The contact's cell phone number and their phone service carrier.
  3. Click Add New Contact.

NOTE: You can add up to a total of 10,000 addresses to your address book.