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About the Address Book

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Last Updated: December 21, 2007 3:05 PM

You can use the Web-Based Email Address Book to store frequently used email addresses and create distribution lists. You can include information about contacts, import or export email addresses, add custom fields, and search for contacts.

When you add a contact to your address book, you can also add their information, such as their address and phone number. This helps you keep contact information in one place. You can even create custom fields, such as a birthday field, to add more information about a contact.

You can add the contact's cell phone number and carrier to set up a text messaging option.

If you want to quickly add a contact to your address book, you can use the Quick Add feature. The Quick Add feature allows you to add a contact using the contact's first and last name, email address, and nickname.

To add a contact to an email message, you can search for a contact or use the alphabet bar to locate a contact by the first letter of the contact's last name. You may add up to 2,000 contacts at one time.

You can import or export an address book in a Microsoft Excel comma-separated value (CSV) format. A CSV file is a standardized file that most email clients are able to use to import and export address book files. You can import an address book from other email clients and accounts, or you can export an address book to import into another client or account.

When you import an address book, Web-Based Email interprets which pieces of data should go in which field by mapping the column names in the CSV file to the column names in the address book. For example, a "First" column in your CSV file maps as "First Name" in your address book. If the mapped details are wrong, you can select the correct field to map to or select to prevent columns from being imported. You may have up to 10,000 email addresses total.

If you have a group of contacts you want to send email messages to on a regular basis, you may want to set up a Distribution List for those contacts. You can create a list and add the contacts that you want to include in the list. Then, when you are ready to send an email message to those contacts, all you have to do is type the list name in the email message.

If necessary, you can edit or delete contact information and distribution lists.