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Using the Right Click Menu

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Last Updated: August 13, 2008 12:00 PM

You can use the right click menu in Web-Based Email to access actions including, flagging a message, searching for a specific word or phrase, and working with your folders. The three Web-Based Email right click menus are:

Folders right click menu
Accessed from the folders area. Allows you to set folder options and move messages. For more information, see About Folders.
Message list right click menu
Accessed from the Message list. Allows you to access actions you can apply to the selected email message(s), such as forwarding, moving, and flagging.
Email message right click menu
Accessed from within an email message. Allows you to work with the message, such as copying text in the email message or searching for a specific word or phrase from within an email message. For more information, see Searching for Content From Within Email Messages.

To Access the Folders Right Click Menu

  • Using Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Firefox®, from the Folders area, right click.
  • Using a Mac® browser, from the Folders area, either right click or press and hold the CTRL key and click.

To Access the Message List Right Click Menu

  1. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Firefox®, from the Message List area, right click.


    Using a Mac® browser, from the Message List area, either right click or press and hold the CTRL key and click.
  2. You can do the following:
    • To delete the message, moving it to the Trash folder, click Delete Message.
    • To forward the message, click Forward Message, and then specify the email address of the person you want to forward the message to. For more information, see Forwarding Email Messages.
    • To permanently delete the message, click Purge Message.
    • To reply to the message, click Reply To or Reply to All, and then reply to the message. For more information, see Replying to Email Messages.
    • To mark the message as spam, click Mark as Spam.
    • To apply an action to the message, from the Apply This Action list, select the action you want to apply, and then click Apply.
    • To move the message to a different folder, from the Move to Folder list, select the folder you want to move the message to, and then click Move.

To Access the Email Message Right Click Menu

  • Using Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Firefox®, from the Email Message area, right click.
  • Using a Mac® browser, from the Email Message area, either right click or press and hold the CTRL key and click.

To Access the Browser's Right Click Menu

  • Using Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Firefox®, press and hold the CTRL key and then right click.
  • Using a Mac® browser, press and hold the Command/Apple key, and then click.