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Forwarding Email Messages

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 4:44 PM

Using Web-Based Email, you can forward email messages that you receive to others.

To Forward an Email Message

  1. Click the name of the folder that contains the message you want to forward.
  2. Locate and click the email message to open it.
  3. Click Forward.
  4. In the To field, type the contact's email address.
  5. Add or edit the text, as needed.
  6. To send the email message, do one of the following:
    • To send the email message and leave the current message where it is, click Send.
    • To send the email message and delete the current message, click Send & Delete.
    • To send the email message and file the current message in a folder, click Send & File to, select the folder you want to save the message to, and specify whether you want to include the forwarded message in the folder with the original message.