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About Desktop Calendar Tools

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Last Updated: October 9, 2008 4:00 PM

If you are using an Outlook calendar, the Desktop Calendar Tools allow you to synchronize your Outlook Calendar with your Calendar. You can also configure Desktop Calendar Tools to send you notification reminders of your upcoming events.

In your system tray, when Desktop Calendar Tools is open, you can double-click the icon to launch Calendar in a new browser window. If Calendar is already open in a browser, it is activated. Right-click on the icon to display the options menu. If the Desktop Calendar Tools application is currently checking your calendar, some options in the menu are disabled.

From the Options menu, you can:

Launch Calendar
Opens Calendar. If you are using multiple calendars with your Desktop Calendar Tools, a submenu displays and you select the calendar to open.
Synchronize Now
Checks for new events and tasks immediately. The automatic check timer is reset. (The Desktop Calendar Tools periodically checks for new events and tasks on your calendar(s).)
Opens the Summary window, and Desktop Calendar Tools displays a summary of your upcoming events and tasks.
Dismiss All
Closes all open event or task notifications.
Opens the Settings window, where you can set how often you want your calendars to synchronize, configure your notification and summary preferences, and set your default snooze time for reminders.
Stops and closes the Desktop Calendar Tools application.