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Synchronizing Your Calendars

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Last Updated: September 30, 2008 2:57 PM

Using the Desktop Calendar Tools, you can synchronize your calendar in Outlook with your Calendar.

To Synchronize your Calendars

  1. Open your Desktop Calendar Tools.
  2. Go to the Sync tab.
  3. In the Calendar Pair list on the left, select the pair that you want to synchronize.
  4. (Optional) Select Synchronize past events to include events scheduled for dates previous to today when you synchronize your calendars.
  5. (Optional) Select Allow event deletes to remove events from the destination calendar that do not exist on the source calendar.
  6. Click the directional arrows to indicate in which direction you want your calendars to synchronize.
    • From Outlook to Calendar.
    • From Calendar to Outlook.
    • Both directions. (If you select this option, you cannot select Allow event deletes. Instead, you must select either Overwrite Calendar or Overwrite Microsoft Outlook to indicate which calendar takes priority when synchronizing.)
  7. Click Sync Now to synchronize your calendars.
  8. Click Close when you are finished.