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Opening Attachments

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 8:47 AM

You can view any files attached to Calendar events you scheduled and the groups you are a member of, and you can sort the order in which the attachments display.

To Open Attachments

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. Click Attachments.
  3. Click the attachment you want to open.
  4. Save the attachment to the location of your choice.

To Sort a List of Attachments

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. Click one of the following:
    Attachment Name
    Sort the list alphabetically by attachment name.
    Sort the list numerically by attachment size.
    Date Added
    Sort the list chronologically by the dates the attachments were attached.
    Sort the list alphabetically by the names of the groups the attachments are associated with.
    Sort the list alphabetically by the subject of the events the attachments are associated with.
    Sort the list alphabetically by the task name.
  3. NOTE: Click a column heading again to reverse the order of the list.