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Viewing a List of Upcoming Events and Tasks

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 8:14 AM

Through Calendar, you can view upcoming events and tasks while in the Calendar view. By changing your settings, you can display upcoming events and tasks above your calendar.

To View a List of Upcoming Events

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. Click the Settings button.
  3. Click the Calendar Settings tab.
  4. To display your next events above your calendar, in the Other Settings area, select Show Quick Events, and then select the number of events from the list.
  5. Click OK.

To View a List of Upcoming Tasks

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. Click the Settings button.
  3. Click the Calendar Settings tab.
  4. To display your next tasks above your calendar, in the Other Settings area, select Show Quick Tasks, and then select the number of tasks from the list.
  5. Click OK.