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Scheduling Events

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Last Updated: February 19, 2009 8:57 AM

You can schedule events to display on your Calendar personal calendar, and, if you are a member of any groups, you can schedule events to display on group calendars so that everyone in a group can view them. If you accept the invitation to a group event, the event displays on your personal calendar as well as the group calendar. You can schedule an event for a specific time period or as an event that occurs for an entire day. For more information, see Scheduling All Day Events.

To Schedule an Event

  1. Log in to your Calendar account.
  2. From the Go to list, select the calendar you want to use for scheduling the event. The Go to list is in the menu bar on the right side of the window.
  3. Click the Add Event button.
  4. From the Start Time calendar and list, select the month, day, year, and time the event begins.
  5. From the End Time calendar and list, select the month, day, year, and time that the event ends.
  6. From the Time Zone list, select the time zone where the event will take place.

    NOTE: Completing the remaining fields and lists is optional; however, you must enter a Subject. You can use the fields and lists to invite other users to meetings, set the rate of occurrence of meetings, add attachments, and set alarm reminders. To view a detailed procedure that includes all options used in scheduling events, see Scheduling Events Using All Fields and Lists. To view procedures for completing specific tasks, locate the task in the Contents tab.

  7. Click OK.