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Converting Previously Recorded Video Files

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Recently Updated: March 26, 2009 4:27 PM

You can convert your video files to .flv (flash) files to increase compatibility among browsers and decrease file size. After you convert and upload a video, you can place it on your WebSite Tonight site.

NOTE: To use video recording, you must have a Deluxe or Premium WebSite Tonight account running on a Windows® operating system.

To Convert Previously Recorded Videos to .flv

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu page, click Page Designer.
  3. Click the block you want to add video to position your cursor where you want to add the video.
  4. Go to the Insert tab and click Video.
  5. Go to the Record tab.

    NOTE: To use this feature, you need to install an Active X plug-in: 'Starfield Technologies' from 'On2 Technologies, Inc.'. If you are using Internet Explorer, you return to the WebSite Tonight home screen after installing the plug-in. Repeat the instructions above to return to the video recording area.

  6. Click Load.

    TIP: You can drag and drop a video onto the Flix Publisher image to load a recorded video more quickly.

  7. In the Video File area, select from the following choices:
    Select the recording quality. Higher quality recordings use more disk space and bandwidth.
    Select the recording size. Larger recordings use more disk space and bandwidth.
  8. If necessary, you can select a starting and end point for your video using the following buttons:
    Start Point
    Play the video and then click Start Point where you want it to begin.
    End Point
    Play the video and then click End Point where you want the video to end.
  9. Click Encode Video to convert it to .flv. The video plays as it encodes. Higher quality video takes longer to encode.
  10. Click Start Upload.
  11. In the Select a Video File area on the Video tab, select the video.
  12. Click OK.