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Managing Quick Blogcast Statistics in Classic Mode

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Last Updated: September 4, 2008 9:34 AM

Quick Blogcast gives you access to statistics and reports for various features of your blog, including how your visitors are getting to your blog, how frequently they're visiting, what they're viewing, and on what they're commenting. While we have a new, interactive statistics tool, it does not list statistics collected prior to August 20, 2008. However, if you have collected statistics prior to this date in the classic mode, you can access them any time.

To Access the Statistics and Reports in Classic Mode

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. In the Quick Blogcast Account list, click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, select Statistics.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click View classic statistics tool.
  6. Click the tab for the type of statistics that you want to view.

General Statistics

General Blog Information
Lists the first and last date an entry was created in your blog; indicates how many years, months, and days the blog has been active; and shows how many people are subscribed to your blog.
Referrers Report
Displays a list of referring URLs that were used to access your blog with a total number and percentage of hits that have come from each URL.
IP Address Report
Displays a list of the IP addresses of your blog's visitors with a total number and percentage of hits that have come from each IP address.
Browser Report
Displays a list of browsers that visitors have used to view your blog and a total number and percentage of hits that have come from each browser.
Operating Systems Report
Displays a list of operating systems that visitors have used to view your blog and a total number and percentage of hits that have come from each operating system.

Entries Statistics

General Entry Information
Displays an entry count, along with the total number of words contained in all entries. This section also displays the Entry Frequency: the rate at which entries are being written in your blog, per day, week, month, and year.
Most Popular Entries
Displays a list of the most frequently viewed entries in descending order.
Most Subscribed-to Entries
Displays a list of the most frequently subscribed-to entries in descending order.
Entry Count (by Category)
Displays the number of entries assigned to each category. Only categories that contain entries are shown.
Entry Count (by Status)
Displays the number of entries in each status. Only statuses that contain entries are shown.

Podcasts Statistics

General Podcast Information
Displays a podcast count, along with the sum total (in minutes) of all podcasts. This section also displays the Entry Frequency: the rate at which podcast entries are being written in your blog, per day, week, month, and year.
Most Popular Podcasts
Displays a list of the most frequently viewed podcast entries in descending order.
Podcast Counts (by Status)
Displays the number of podcast entries entries in each status. Only statuses that contain entries are shown.

For additional information on working with podcast statistics, see About Classic Mode Podcast Statistics.

Discussion Statistics

General Discussion Information
Displays the total number of comments and trackbacks, as well as the number of comments that have been blocked as SPAM.
Most Discussed Entries
Displays the total number of comments for each entry and the percentage of total comments attributed to each entry.
Most Frequent Commentors
Displays a list of commentors (by email address) who have left the most comments.
Most Frequent Trackbacks
Displays a list of blogs that have sent the most trackbacks to your blog.

Survey Results

Select the entry for which you want to view the statistics, or select All Entries to view statistics for all entries, and then specify the time period for which you want to view the results.

Displays the time of day relevant to the displayed statistics.
Liked Column
Displays the number of people who indicated they liked the article.
Disliked Column
Displays the number of people who indicated they disliked the article.
No Opinion Column
Displays the number of people who indicated they had no opinion about the article.
Total Column
Displays the total number of people who voted on the article.

Printed Articles

This report displays the articles printed in the last 24 hours, as well as the total number of printed articles.

Article Column
Lists the name of the printed article.
Last Print Column
Displays the last time the article was printed.
Total Prints Column
Displays the total number of times the article was printed.
% Column
Displays the percentage of times the article was printed compared to other articles.

Articles View

View List
Select the time period for which you want to view the information.
View Button
Click to see more information about the article views for the selected time period.
Daily Article Views
Displays the list of articles and how many times the articles were viewed for the specified time period.

NOTE: Currently, there is not a way to clear out old statistics or to specify the time frame of displayed statistics. All of our Quick Blogcast statistics reports are based on totals for a given statistic.

For information on viewing reports, see Viewing Quick Blogcast Reports in Classic Mode.
For information on using our interactive statistics tool, see Managing Quick Blogcast Statistics.