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Managing Quick Blogcast Statistics

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Last Updated: October 21, 2008 8:34 AM

Here's the Lowdown: You can manage your Quick Blogcast statistics on the Statistics page accessible from the Manage Blog menu.

Quick Blogcast gives you access to statistics and reports for various features of your blog, including how your visitors are getting to your blog, how frequently they're visiting, what they're viewing, and on what entries they're commenting.

To Access the Statistics and Reports

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. In the Quick Blogcast Account list, click Manage Account next to the account you want to work with.
  4. If necessary, in the Manage Your Blogs list, click the name of the blog you want to view.
  5. From the Manage Blog menu, select Statistics.

Statistics Home

On the Statistics Home page, you can select the type of statistics you want to view. Using the Day, Week, Month, and Year icons, you can change the displayed timespan. We do not retain statistics beyond 365 days.

NOTE: The new system does not list statistics collected prior to August 20, 2008. However, if you collected statistics prior to this date in the Classic mode, you can access them by clicking "View classic statistics tool." Click "View new statistics tool" to return to the new system.

Additionally, when collecting site statistics, we do not include visits to your site from Web crawling bots, such as Google.

On the Statistics Home page, statistics are grouped into the following sections:

Visits at a Glance

A line graph depicts the number of visits to your site for the specific period of time you specify.

Detailed Statistics

Each of these options lists the top statistics for that section. By default, the top categories display as a chart. However, each section also has a Details link that displays the total and percentage details. Additionally, you can view all statistics for a given section by clicking View full report.


All viewed entries with the number of views and the percentage of total views each one generates.
All viewed categories with the number of views and the percentage of total views each one generates.
Podcast Downloads/Plays
The number of plays or downloads for each podcast and the percentage of total views each one generates.
Vlog Downloads/Plays
The number of plays or downloads for each Vlog and the percentage of total views each one generates.

RSS Subscribers

RSS Views by Type
The number of each RSS Feed type used to subscribe to your site and the percentage of total RSS feeds of that type.
All entries to which users are subscribed with the number of views and the percentage of total views each one generates.
All categories to which users are subscribed with the number of views and the percentage of total views each one generates..
Podcast Downloads/Plays
All podcasts to which users are subscribed with the number of views and the percentage of total views each one generates.


Search Engines
The search engines that were used to access your blog with the number of hits and the percentage of total hits from each.
Search Terms
The search terms that were used to access your blog with the number of hits and the percentage of total hits from each.
Referring Sites
The referring URLs that were used to access your blog with the number of hits and the percentage of total hits from each.
Direct Links
The URLs that were used to directly access your blog with the number of hits and the percentage of total hits from each.
Entry Traffic
In descending order, the most frequently viewed entries with the total number of hits separated by hits coming to your site directly, from referring sites, and from search engines.


Operating Systems
The operating systems that visitors have used to view your blog with the number of visits and percentage of total visits from each.
The Web browsers that visitors have used to view your blog with the number of visits and percentage of total visits from each.

NOTE: Total site visitor statistics refers to all visits from all visitors. Quick Blogcast Statistics does not currently separate unique visitor information from that of return visitors.

Top Statistics

Check your total visits, comments, and trackbacks, as well as the average number of entry views per day. You can also see a breakdown of other statistics on your top entries, such as which podcasts and Vlogs are downloaded most often and which entries receive the most views and are subscribed to most often.

RSS Subscriber Entry Views
Entry count and frequency (the rate at which entries are being written in your blog, per day, week, month, and year), along with the total number of words contained in all entries.
Entry Views
In descending order, the most frequently viewed entries with the percentage of total views each one generates.
Vlog Downloads
In descending order, the Vlogs to which users have subscribed most frequently with the percentage of total downloads for each.
Podcast Downloads
In descending order, the podcasts to which users have subscribed most frequently with the percentage of total downloads for each.

Traffic Summary

A pie chart and a breakdown of how viewers are accessing your site gives you an overview of site traffic.

External Referral
The total number and percentage of visitors that have accessed your site from an external site.
Search Engine Referral
The total number and percentage of visitors that have accessed your site through a search engine.
Self Referral
The total number and percentage of visitors that have accessed your site directly.

Entry Traffic

In descending order, the most frequently viewed entries with the total number of hits separated by hits coming to your site directly, from referring sites, and from search engines.

For information on using our classic mode statistics tool, see Managing Quick Blogcast Statistics in Classic Mode.