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Building a Free Web Site with WebSite Tonight

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Last Updated: November 14, 2008 9:47 AM

When you register or renew the registration for an existing domain, you receive a credit for a free WebSite Tonight account. This credit can only be used with the domain you registered or renewed. You cannot apply a free credit to a different domain. With a free version of WebSite Tonight, you can create a Web site quickly and easily.

Note: FREE Web site builder with domain name is Ad-supported. Ad-supported Web sites contain relevant online advertising on a small portion of the site, but DO NOT include obtrusive pop-up ads. For information about upgrading to a paid account, see >Can I remove ads on my free WebSite Tonight account?. You are free to upgrade to a paid WebSite Tonight account at any time.

To Set Up a Free WebSite Tonight Account

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. From the All Products area, click WebSite Tonight©.
  3. Click Use Credit.
  4. In the Setup Free Account area, select a domain name from the list.
  5. Click Continue. You new account will display in the WebSite Tonight Account list.