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Setting up WebSite Tonight for a .MOBI Domain

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Last Updated: December 18, 2008 10:49 AM

With WebSite Tonight, you can create a Web site that is specifically designed to display on mobile devices. With a .mobi domain, you can let visitors know that your site is properly formatted for smaller screens. Using WebSite Tonight to set up your Web site for a .mobi domain, you can ensure that your site is optimized for viewing on mobile devices. Setting up your site for viewing with a mobile device is quick and easy.

To Set Up a .MOBI Web Page

NOTE: With .MOBI domains, you can only add mobile page layouts; you cannot add traditional page layouts.

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. From My Products, click WebSite Tonight©.
  3. Click Launch next to the account you want to use.
  4. If you accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, click Accept.
  5. On the Site Settings page, complete the following fields and then click Next :
    Select an available domain from your account
    Select an existing domain name from the list.
    Enter a domain not registered in this account
    Enter your domain name in the space provided.
    Enter a subdomain
    Enter your subdomain name in the space provided and select an existing domain name from the list..
    User Name
    Create a user name that you will use when logging in to your WebSite Tonight site.
    Password and Confirm New Password
    Create and verify the password that you will use when logging in to your WebSite Tonight site.
    Email Address
    Forms submitted through your site will be sent to this email address
    Company or Individual Name
    Your company or individual name will be displayed in the footer of each Web page
  6. On the Build Your Site page, select one of the following:
    Pre-built Site
    If you are setting up a site for a .mobi domain, this option is disabled.
    Blank Site
    Selecting Blank Site will allow you to build a site from scratch. If you want to add pages to your Web site, click Add Page and enter a title for you page. This step is optional. You can also change the layout of each page of your site by clicking Change Layout for the page you want to change. You can add pages or change your layout at any time.
  7. Click Finish.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your .mobi Web site. You can continue to the Page Designer to begin building your site by clicking Build My Site.

To Change Your Layout

  1. On the Build Your Site page, click Change Layout. The Change Page Layout window displays.
  2. Scroll through the available layouts by clicking the forward and back arrows or by clicking on the page numbers above the layout thumbnails.
  3. Click on a layout to select it, and then click OK.

Your Web site will not display on the Internet until you publish your site. For more information, see Publishing Your Web Site. To learn more about what you can do with WebSite Tonight, browse through the help topics by selecting Help from the Help menu.