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Can I remove ads on my free WebSite Tonight account?

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Last Updated: July 15, 2008 1:59 PM

You cannot remove the ads from your Web site if you are using the free WebSite Tonight account. If you would like to create a Web site using an ad-free version of WebSite Tonight, you are welcome to upgrade to a paid version. This will remove the ad banner.

To upgrade Your Free WebSite Tonight Credit to a Paid Account

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. From the My Products section, Select WebSite Tonight©.
  3. Click the domain name of your Web site.
  4. Click the Upgrade/Downgrade WebSite Tonight Account link to the right.
  5. To compare plans, click Compare Plans. (Optional)
  6. Select a WebSite Tonight plan.
  7. Click Continue. This will take you to the shopping cart for checkout.