What is Bandwidth?
Bandwidth is a measurement of the amount of data allowed to pass between a user’s Web site and the rest of the Internet.
For example, if your Web site—hosted on a 2GB/month Deluxe hosting account—contains a 1MB picture, that picture can be viewed 2000 times before you exceed the 2,000MB (2GB) limit. You are responsible for ensuring excessive loading does not occur on the DNS or hosting servers. Exceeding your allotted monthly bandwidth results in overloading and will incur an additional charge. Thus, if visitor number 2001 wants to view the same picture, you will be assessed any and all fees, costs, and penalties resulting from the overloading. Failure to pay such bandwidth charges may result in site redirection.
In general, if you have a commercial site or a site that generates a lot of traffic, you should consider getting additional bandwidth. If you have a basic, personal site that you have set up for friends and family, you probably do not need to order additional bandwidth.