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Adding Podcast Episodes

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Last Updated: February 28, 2008 11:29 AM

When adding a new podcast entry in Quick Blogcast, you can specify various display and functionality settings, such as how the episode is categorized and whether viewers can leave comments. You can access the New Entry page from either the Home page or the Manage Entries page.

To Add a New Entry

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Entries menu, select New Entry.
    Click the Home menu, and then click Add Entry.
  5. In the Title field, type the entry title.
  6. To assign a category, click the expandable Categories menu, and then click the category you want to use. The selected category is displayed in the entry's Category field. If the category you want to use hasn't been created, you can add it. For more information, see Adding a New Category.
  7. Enter and format the body of your entry in the text box.
  8. You can configure your entry settings in the following ways:
  9. Excerpt
    To create an excerpt of the entry, click the expandable Excerpt menu, highlight any portion of your entry, click Excerpt, and then click Save. For more information about creating excerpts, see Creating Excerpts for Blog Entries.
    In the expandable Entry Settings menu, specify the name you want to use for the permanent link to this blog entry. If you do not specify a Permalink name, Quick Blog assigns a name after you save the entry. The Permalink name cannot be edited after the entry is published.
    In the expandable Entry Settings menu, select if you want to save the entry as a Draft or Publish the entry when you click Save.
    In the expandable Entry Settings menu, enter the date and time that you want to display in the time/date stamp.
    Comments status
    In the expandable Entry Settings menu, select if you want to allow comments and set the default status of comments made to Open or Closed.
    Allow trackbacks
    In the expandable Entry Settings menu, select if you want to allow trackbacks and set their status as Open or Closed.
  10. Click Save.

For assistance specifying general settings for all of your podcasts episodes, see About General Podcast Settings.