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Mapping Your Domain to Work with a TypePad Blog

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Last Updated: February 18, 2009 11:37 AM

You can establish a more professional identity for your TypePad blog by configuring it to point to one of the domains you registered through us. Instead of entering your TypePad URL to view your latest blog entry, visitors enter your domain URL. For example, by mapping your blog to your domain, visitors focus solely on your domain.

NOTE: TypePad may limit domain mapping access to those who maintain a specific account level.

To point your TypePad blog to your domain, you set up domain mapping, which configures your blog settings and domain. You update your settings in your TypePad account and Domain Manager, as follows:

  • Configure your TypePad account. You initiate the domain mapping process through your TypePad account.
  • Park the domain you want to use with your TypePad account. Your domain must be parked with our parking nameservers before you can configure the CNAME record to point to the TypePad account you want to use.
  • Edit the "www" CNAME record for the domain you want to use with your TypePad account. This tells the Web browser to open your TypePad blog when visitors enter your domain URL in the browser address bar.
  • Activate your domain in your TypePad account.
  • Forward your domain to use "www". This ensures your TypePad blog displays for visitors who go to your domain with or without the "www" prefix. For example, it displays for visitors who entered both and

To Configure Your TypePad Account

  1. Log in to your TypePad account, and then open the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the Site Access tab.
  3. Click Domain Mapping.
  4. Click Begin Here: Map a Domain Name.
  5. In the Enter your custom domain name field, enter the domain name you want to use with your TypePad account, including the "www" prefix, or enter a subdomain.
  6. Select the TypePad blog or album for which you want to map the domain.
  7. Click Add Domain Mapping.

Next, you configure your domain. When you're done setting up your domain, you return to your TypePad account to activate your new configuration.

To Park Your Domain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Use the checkbox to select the domain you want to use with your TypePad account, and then click Nameservers.
  4. Select Parked nameservers.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK again.

To Edit Your CNAME Record

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Click the domain you want to use for your TypePad blog.
  4. In the Total DNS Control field, click the Total DNS Control and MX Records hyperlink.
  5. In the CNAMES section, click the Edit button for the "www" record.
  6. Click OK to confirm you want to edit the record.
  7. In the Points To Host Name field, enter your TypePad account address. For example,
  8. Click OK.

NOTE: You cannot activate your TypePad account to work with these changes until the CNAME records resolve, which takes up to 48 hours.

To Activate Your Domain Mapping with TypePad

  1. Log in to your TypePad account, and then open the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the Site Access tab.
  3. Click Domain Mapping.
  4. Click Activate.

To Forward Your Domain

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domain Manager.
  3. Use the checkbox to select the domain you want to forward to your TypePad blog, and then click Forward.
  4. Select Enable forwarding.
  5. In the Forward to field, enter the complete URL to which you want to forward your domain. For example,
  6. In the Redirect type area, select one of the following:
    301 Moved Permanently
    Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward to field using a "301 Moved Permanently" HTTP response. The HTTP 301 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has permanently moved.
    302 Found (Temporary Redirect)
    Redirects to the site you specified in the Forward to field using a "302 Found" HTTP response. The HTTP 302 response code tells user-agents (including search engines) that the location has temporarily moved.
  7. Click OK.