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Changing Your Blog's Header and/or Footer

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Last Updated: February 5, 2009 2:50 PM

You can change the header and/or footer that displays on your Quick Blogcast site.

To Change Your Blog's Header and/or Footer

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. In the Quick Blogcast Account list, click Manage Account for the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Design Blog menu, select Customize.
  5. Go to the Header/Footer tab.

    NOTE: Quick Blogcast offers several different templates. Depending on the selected template, you update header/footer content using separate fields or in a WYSIWYG editor.

  6. If your header/footer content displays in multiple fields, edit any of the following:
    Header Text
    The text that displays in your site header.
    Header Link URL (optional)
    The URL that displays in your site header.
    New window, Current window
    Opens the specified URL in a new browser window or the current browser window.
    Subheader Text
    The text that displays below the header. This is often a subtitle.
    Footer Text
    The information that displays at the bottom of your Web page.
  7. If the header/footer content displays in a WYSIWYG, switch between header and footer content by clicking either the Header HTML hyperlink or Footer HTML hyperlink, depending on which displays, and then edit using any of the following lists or tools:

    TIP: If you prefer to use HTML, click the <> signs to switch to HTML-entry mode.

    Select the formatting style you want to use.
    Font Name
    Select the font you want to use.
    Select the font size you want to use. The font size ranges from 1 to 6; 1 is the smallest and 6 is the largest.
    Bolds the text.
    Makes the text italic.
    Underlines the text.
    Draws a line through the text.
    Numbered List
    Creates a numbered list.
    Bulleted list
    Creates a bulleted list.
    Increase Indent or Decrease Indent
    Indent or decrease the amount of indented space for the paragraph.
    Insert Table
    Insert a table of a specified size into the header or footer.
    Cut content from the page (which you intend to paste in a different location).
    Cut content from the page (which you intend to paste in a different location).
    Adds cut or copied content to the field.
    Spell Check
    Checks the spelling in the header and footer.
    Insert Image from the Gallery
    Insert an image from the gallery or upload your own custom image.
    Insert Link
    Adds a hyperlink. Highlight the text you want to add a hyperlink to, click Create Link, select the type of link, and enter the link information. Click OK.
  8. When finished, click Save.