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Deleting Calendar Accounts

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Last Updated: December 16, 2008 12:20 PM

You can delete any or all of the email addresses that are associated to your Calendar account plan(s). Deleting the addresses that you set up does not delete or cancel your Calendar account.

To Delete a Calendar Email Address Through My Account

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Calendar.
  3. Click Manage Account for the account you want to manage.
  4. Click Cancel for the account you want to delete.

    WARNING: Clicking cancel deletes the email address from the Calendar account.

To Delete a Calendar Email Address from within the Email Control Center

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Email.
  3. Click Manage Account for the email account you want to manage.
  4. If an option to add addresses or view all email plans displays, click View All.
  5. Click Calendar.
  6. In your list of Calendar email account(s), use the checkbox(es) to select the account(s) you want to delete.
  7. Click Delete Selected.
  8. Click OK to confirm you want to delete the email account(s).