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Adding RSS Feeds to Your Web-Based Email Homepage

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 10:47 AM

RSS feeds allow you to subscribe to content on your favorite news and blog sites. You can add RSS feeds to your Homepage in Web-Based Email.

Content headings from the Web sites you subscribe to display on your Homepage. Subscription content is updated in real-time, that is, when the author submits an updated post, your Homepage reflects the update.

To Add an RSS Feed to Your Web-Based Email Homepage

  1. Log in to your Web-Based Email account.
  2. If necessary, go to the Homepage tab.
  3. Click the Add RSS Feed hyperlink.
  4. In the RSS Feed field, enter the RSS feed hyperlink.
  5. Specify whether you want RSS feeds to display in the left column or the right column on your Homepage.
  6. Click Save.