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Setting up a POP or IMAP Account on Your Mobile Phone

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Recently Updated: March 23, 2009 4:16 PM

Post Office Protocol (POP) allows you to retrieve email from a remote server through your third-party email client. You can access the email messages on your email account by configuring your email client with our POP settings.

To Set Up a POP or IMAP Account on Your Mobile Phone

  1. Create an account with your mobile phone.
  2. Locate the POP settings and set the following:
    Your full email address.
    Your email account password.
    Incoming Mail Server
    For POP accounts, use for your incoming mail server.
    For IMAP accounts, use
    Outgoing Mail Server
    For POP or IMAP accounts, use for your outgoing mail server.

For help with a specific mobile device, see the provider's help documentation:

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