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About Desktop Notifier

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Last Updated: November 14, 2008 9:55 AM

Get instant notifications when you receive new messages in your Web-Based Email account. Set when, how often, and how many notifications you want to receive. Add up to 5 email addresses to your Desktop Notifier.

The Desktop Notifier shows one of four icons in your system tray to indicate the status of your email.

Checking for new email
An animated letter coming out of an envelope indicates that the Desktop Notifier is currently checking for new email.
No unread messages
A closed envelope indicates that you have no unread messages in your Inbox.
Unread messages
An open envelope with a green plus icon indicates that there is an unread message in at least one of your Inbox folders.
You have new email
A closed envelope with a blue plus icon indicates that new email has arrived since you last interacted with the Desktop Notifier. A single click on the icon will reset this.

Double-click the Notifier icon to launch Web-Based Email in a new browser window. If Web-Based Email is already open in a browser, it is activated. Right-click on the Notifier icon to display the options menu. If the Notifier is currently checking email, some options in the menu are disabled.

From the Options menu, you can:

Launch Web-Based Email
Opens Web-Based Email. If you are using multiple email addresses with your Desktop Notifier, a submenu displays and you select the email account to open in Web-Based Email.
Check Email Now
The Desktop Notifier periodically checks for new email messages for all email accounts. Select Check Email Now to have the Desktop Notifier check for new email immediately. The automatic check timer is reset.
Show New Email
The New Message window opens and Desktop Notifier displays your newest unread email messages. For more information about the New Message window, see Using the New Message Window.
In the Settings window, you can set when, how often, and how many notifications you want to receive. You can also add, edit, or delete email addresses that you want the Desktop Notifier to check. For more information about your settings, see Changing Your Desktop Notifier Settings.
This option stops and closes the Desktop Notifier.

NOTE: The desktop notifier is only compatible with computers running Microsoft Windows.