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Updating Your MX Records

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Last Updated: November 10, 2008 10:28 AM

If you are hosting a domain with us but have your email account hosted elsewhere, you need to modify your MX Records in your Account Manager.

MX Records control where email that is sent to your domain goes. You only need to modify your MX Records if you host your domain with us and host your email account somewhere else. If you make a mistake, you can restore your default MX Records.

To Update Your MX Records

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Domains.
  3. In your list of domain names, click the domain name that contains the MX record you want to change.
  4. On the Domain Details page, in the Total DNS section, click the Total DNS Control and MX Records hyperlink.
  5. On the Total DNS Control Panel page, in the MX (Mail Exchangers) section, click the pencil icon in the Actions menu for the MX record you want to modify.
  6. In the MX (Mail Exchangers) section, you can modify the following:
    The priority that you want to assign the mail server.
    Host Name
    The domain name for the MX record. You can enter @ to map the record directly to your domain, or enter the subdomain of your host name (for example, www, ftp, and so on).
    Enter Goes To Address
    The mail server's address. Enter a fully-qualified domain name. For example,
    The time increment for which the server should cache the information.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Results and Status window, click OK.

NOTE: For security purposes, the request to add, update, or delete an MX record must be verified with a response to the MX Record Change verification message before the MX record is added.

NOTE: You cannot set up your domain name to use more than one Mail Server at a time. If you have an email account through another email provider and then change your MX record to point to our mail server, you will no longer have access to your email account. Please verify that this is an action you want to take before making MX Record changes.