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Importing Entries to Quick Blogcast

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Last Updated: March 6, 2009 3:59 PM

With Quick Blogcast, you can subscribe to Web sites, such as news sites and blogs, to display the content or posts from the Web site you subscribe to on your Blogcast Web site. Subscription content is updated in real-time, that is, when the author submits an updated post, your Web page reflects the update.

The Import Entries page enables you to import an RSS feed into your Blogcast. Depending on what format you are importing, the steps vary slightly.

NOTE: If you are importing from Blogger®, see Importing Entries from Blogger into Quick Blogcast.

To Log In to the Import Entries Page

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. In the My Products section, click Quick Blogcast.
  3. Click Manage Account next to the account you want to modify.
  4. From the Manage Blog menu, select Import Entries.

The Import Entries page opens where you can select the format of the blog you want to import.

To Import Entries as Movable Type/TypePad

  1. From the Import Entries page, select Movable Type/TypePad, and then click Next Step.
  2. Browse to the location on your local drive where you have the blog data stored.
  3. Select a default status for the new entries.
    All imported entries are labeled as drafts until you manually publish them.
    All imported entries are automatically published to your blogcast.
  4. Select whether you want to include Comments or Trackbacks in your import.
  5. Click OK.

To Import Entries as Serendipity (RSS)

  1. From the Import Entries page, select Serendipity (RSS), and then click Next Step.
  2. Enter the URL where the RSS feed is located.
  3. Select a default status for the new entries.
    All imported entries are labeled as drafts until you manually publish them.
    All imported entries are automatically published to your blogcast.
  4. Select whether you want to include Comments or Trackbacks in your import.
  5. Click OK.

To Import Entries as Serendipity (DB)

  1. From the Import Entries page, select Serendipity (DB), and then click Next Step.
  2. Enter your database connection information.
    Server name or Host name where the database is located.
    Name of the database you want to import.
    User name for the account where the database is located.
    Password for the account where the database is located.
  3. Select a default status for the new entries.
    All imported entries are labeled as drafts until you manually publish them.
    All imported entries are automatically published to your blogcast.
  4. Select whether you want to include Comments or Trackbacks in your import.
  5. Click OK.

To Import Entries as Generic RSS

  1. From the Import Entries page, select Generic RSS Import, and then click Next Step.
  2. Enter the URL where the RSS feed s located.
  3. Select a default status for the new entries.
    All imported entries are labeled as drafts until you manually publish them.
    All imported entries are automatically published to your blogcast.
  4. Select whether you want to include Comments or Trackbacks in your import.
  5. Click OK.

NOTE: Generic RSS imports only include entries and categories. Comments and Trackbacks are not imported using a Generic RSS import, regardless of your selections.

To Import Entries in WordPress Format

  1. From the Import Entries page, select WordPress, and then click Next Step.
  2. Enter your database connection information.
    Server name or Host name where the database is located.
    Name of the database you want to import.
    User name for the account where the database is located.
    Password for the account where the database is located.
    Table Prefix
    WordPress Table Prefix. Unless you have changed it, this is generally wp_.
  3. Select a default status for the new entries.
    All imported entries are labeled as drafts until you manually publish them.
    All imported entries are automatically published to your blogcast.
  4. Select whether you want to include Comments or Trackbacks in your import.
  5. Click OK.

For information about Exporting Entires from Quick Blogcast, see Exporting Entries from Quick Blogcast