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Setting up and Launching Your Forum

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Last Updated: March 17, 2009 2:32 PM

With WebSite Tonight, you can add a discussion forum to your Web site to allow visitors to add discussions to categories and post comments in discussion threads. When you add a forum to your Web site, it counts against the number of pages your WebSite Tonight plan allows. For example, if your WebSite Tonight plan includes 10 pages, when you add a forum to your site, you have 9 remaining pages to use when building your Web site.

To Set Up a Discussion Forum

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Add-Ons menu, select Forum.
  3. In the Set Up Forum Domain page, select from the following:
    • Create a new subdomain - to set up your forum as a subdomain of your WebSite Tonight domain name.
    • Select an available domain from your account - to select a different domain from your account.
    • Enter a domain not registered here - to enter a domain that is registered with another Registrar (For example, Do not enter www.).
  4. In the User name field, enter a user name for your administrator login.
  5. In the Password and Confirm password fields, enter a password for your administrator login.
  6. In the First name and Last name fields, enter your first and last name.
  7. In the Email address field, enter your contact email address.
  8. Click Save.

To Launch Your Forum

  1. From the Add-Ons menu, select Forum.
  2. In Forum Details, click your forum's domain name.

    You can also type your forum's domain name into your browser, without first logging into WebSite Tonight.