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Editing the Navigation Menu

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Last Updated: March 12, 2009 8:54 AM

From the Edit Navigation window, you can add, edit, delete, and rearrange your navigation and subnavigation buttons. You can also update the navigation menu and apply the changes across all pages in your Web site. When you select a link type, you specify which of the following each button on the navigation menu leads to:

To Add Items to your Navigation Menu

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Launch Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Go to the Page tab, and then click Edit Navigation.
  5. Click Add Navigation to add a main navigation item or click Add SubNavigation to add a subnavigation item below a main navigation item.
  6. From the Link Type list, specify the kind of link you want to set for this button.
    Creates a mailto: link to a designated email address. For example,
    Links to another page within your Web site.
    Links to any valid URL that you specify. For example,
    Opens a file that you have uploaded to your account. This option is available only if you have uploaded files to your WebSite Tonight account.
    Links to a Forum. This option is available only if you have a Forum account in the same account as your WebSite Tonight account.
    Jumps to an anchor link on a specific page. This option displays if one of your pages contains an anchor link. See Inserting Hyperlinks and Anchors for more information.

    Links to your Quick Shopping Cart storefront. This option is available only if you have a Quick Shopping Cart account in the same account as your WebSite Tonight account.

  7. Depending on the Link Type you selected, in the Goes To list or field, enter the email address you want to create a mailto link for, select the page on your site you want to go to, specify the URL you want to open, select the uploaded file you want to open, or select the forum or store you want to link to.
  8. In the Label field, enter a text label for the navigation button.
  9. To automatically load the page in a new browser window, select Launch in a new window.
  10. In the Options section you can select from the following:
    • To apply your navigation menu changes to all of the pages in your Web site, select Apply navigation to all pages.

      NOTE: Selecting this option will overwrite any previous settings that you may have entered for your navigation buttons with the settings you entered on this page.

    • To allow WebSite Tonight to automatically reset the navigation buttons on your Web site pages to reflect changes you make on the Organize Site page, select Reset page navigation.

      NOTE: This will overwrite any settings or subnavigation you may have added from the Edit Navigation page.

  11. Click Save and Continue and add another navigation item or click OK if you are finished.

To Edit your Navigation Menu

  1. Log in to your WebSite Tonight account.
  2. From the Design menu, click Launch Page Designer.
  3. If necessary, from the You are editing list, select the page you want to edit.
  4. Go to the Page tab, and then click Edit Navigation.
  5. You can edit your site navigation by doing the following:
    • To add navigation buttons, click Add Navigation to add a main navigation item or click Add SubNavigation to add a subnavigation item below a main navigation item.
    • To edit a navigation button, in the navigation organization tree on the left, click the button you want to edit, update the button properties as necessary, and then click Save and Continue.
    • To change the order in which navigation buttons display, click and drag the button you want to move to the location where you want it to display in the organization tree.
    • To delete a navigation button, in the navigation organization tree on the left, click the Delete icon next to the navigation item you want to remove.
  6. Click Save and Continue and edit another navigation item or click OK if you are finished.