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Adding Identities

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Last Updated: August 29, 2008 3:32 PM

Your identity contains the information recipients see when you send an email message, such as your name. You can create multiple identities in Web-Based Email for sending to different contacts.

To Add an Identity

  1. From the Settings menu, click Personal Settings.
  2. Click the Identities tab.
  3. Click Add Identity.
  4. In the Name field, type the name you want to use when sending email messages from this identity.

    NOTE: The name displays in the From field of the email messages you send. For example, Jane Smith, instead of

  5. In the Email field, type the email address for the identity.
  6. In the Reply To field, type the email address you want replies to be sent to.
  7. To set the identity as the default identity, select Default.
  8. Click OK.