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Downloading and Viewing Message Attachments

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Last Updated: July 10, 2008 4:31 PM

Through Web-Based Email, you can view or download attachments from email messages.

To Download a Message Attachment

  1. Open or preview the email message that contains the attachment you want to download.
  2. At the bottom of the message window, select the attachment.
  3. Click on the name of the attachment.
  4. In the Download File window, use the checkboxes to select the attachment you want to download, and then click Download Now.
  5. Click Open to open a temporary copy of the file, or click Save to save it to your computer.
  6. NOTE: If you are using Web-Based Email with Internet Explorer or Firefox in Windows, you can download multiple attachments at once. However, you must first enable the Multiple Download feature. If you are using Internet Explorer, when you enable the Multiple Download feature in you also enable the Image Paste feature. For more information, see Copying and Pasting Content and Images.

To Add a Message to Your Online File Folder

NOTE: You can do this only if you have an Online File Folder account.

  1. Open or preview the email message that contains the attachment(s) you want to move to your Online File Folder.
  2. In the Attachments list at the bottom of the message window, use the checkboxes to select the attachment(s) you want to move.
  3. From the Send selected to list, select Online File Folder.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. In Online File Folder, click Store.
  6. From the Choose Destination Folder list, select the folder you want to save the document in.
  7. Click OK.