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About the File Editing Tool

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Last Updated: January 3, 2008 3:39 PM

You can use the File Editing Tool if you are running Windows XP or newer and using Firefox 2 or Internet Explorer 6 or higher, or if you are running MacOS X and using Firefox 2 or Safari 3. The File Editing Tool hyperlink does not display if you're using another operating system, a different browser, or have already installed the latest version of the tool.

You can download and install an editing tool that allows you to edit your files from Online File Folder. When you save the edited file, the changes are automatically saved to the file in your Online File Folder. For more information about installing the tool, see Installing the File Editing Tool.

After you install the File Editing Tool, you can edit files from any view (List, Thumbnails, or Filmstrip). When you click or double-click the file, it opens in the software application that is associated with the file type. For example, files with a .txt extension open in Notepad. If the file type is not associated with a software application, you can download it to your computer and open it with the software application of your choice. For more information, see Editing Files.

In addition, after downloading the latest version of the File Editing Tool, you can upload multiple files or folders to your Online File Folder.