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Viewing Your Fax History

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Last Updated: November 12, 2008 8:54 AM

Fax Thru Email tracks your incoming and outgoing fax history, which you can later review and sort.

To View Your Fax History

Click Fax History.

NOTE: Faxes sent from a number on your Blacklist are blocked. The status will display as blocked, zero minutes, and zero pages. Toll-free accounts will not be charged for blocked transmissions.

To Narrow the Fax History List

  1. From the All History list, select the criteria you want to view.
  2. Click View.

To Change the Number of History Items that Display

From the Display list, select the number of items you want to display on the page.

To View Items on Another Page

From the 1-10 list, select the number range you want to view.

To Sort the List View

Click the column heading of the column you want to sort by.

NOTE: Click the column heading again to reverse the order of the list.