Como Definir Servidores De Nomes Para Os Seus Nomes De Domínio
Nameservers control where your domain name reaches out when visitors access it. When you register a domain name, we set it to our "parked" nameservers, which just display a temporary page. However, you got a domain name to make a website and might need to change your nameservers to connect it to your domain name.
Which nameservers you need to use depends on where it's registered and where your website is hosted. For example, if your domain name is registered or hosted with us, use the Here information; if it's registered with or hosted by another company, use the Elsewhere information.
Domain? | Website? | Use these instructions... |
Here | Here | You can use our standard DNS configuration outlined in Setting Nameservers for Domains Hosted & Registered with Us. |
Here | Elsewhere | First, get your nameservers from your other hosting and then set them using Setting Custom Nameservers for Domains Registered with Us. |
Elsewhere | Here | Find your site's nameservers using Nameservers for domains registered elsewhere/hosted with COMPANY_NAME and then provide them to your domain name's registrar. |
Elsewhere | Off-Site DNS | Off-Site DNS lets you use our DNS manager if your domain name is neither registered nor hosted with us. For information about setting this up, see Managing Domain Names with Off-site DNS |
Here | VPS/Dedicated here |
You can create your own nameservers by registering "hosts" for your domain name using Creating Your Own Nameserver (Registering Your Own Domain Hosts). |
Depois de atualizar os seus servidores de nomes, aguarde 4 a 8 horas para que outras redes acedam às informações dos nomes de domínio .com e .net aguarde 24 a 48 horas para que outras redes possam aceder a informações de todas as outras extensões de domínio. Se tiver alguma dificuldade, contacte a nossa equipa de apoio técnico para obter assistência.