Frequently Asked Questions

Managed WordPress: sFTP, SSH and phpMyAdmin Credentials

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Last Updated: March 3, 2015 11:27 AM

Managed WordPress is designed to be easy to use, so you shouldn't need to enter your account's back-end. However, if you do, we give you access to:

  • sFTP to manage your account's files
  • SSH to manage your account through command line — this does not provide root access (only available to Business or Professional accounts)
  • phpMyAdmin to manage your account's database

SSH access is available only to Business and Professional Managed WordPress plans.

To Find Your sFTP, SSH, and phpMyAdmin Credentials

  1. Log in to Gateway using your COMPANY_NAME login.
  2. Under the WordPress hosting site you want to use, click Settings.
  3. Go to the SSH & sFTP or Database tab.
  4. If you haven't yet enabled SSH and want to use it, select Enable SSH.
  5. Click Toggle Password to view the password to use.

    NOTE: You cannot change this password.

  6. Click OK.


You can use this information to connect to your account using a third-party FTP client, such as FileZilla. For more information, see the Connecting to Your Hosting Account with FileZilla section of Connecting to Your Hosting Account with FileZilla (FTP).

NOTE: We recommend using your hosting account's IP address (more info) as the host in your FTP client.

When you connect, some FTP clients place you in the root of the server. From there, enter the home directory, and then access your username's folder.

Your website's files are in the html directory.

Managed WordPress connects using sFTP over port 22. You cannot use non-sFTP (i.e. FTP) connections.


You can use this information to connect to your account via SSH using an application like PuTTy (Windows) or OpenSSH (Mac/Linux).

Managed WordPress customers do not have root-level access to their accounts.


To log in to phpMyAdmin, click the phpMyAdmin Url, and then log in using the provided credentials.