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Finding Your Hosted Domain's Nameservers

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Actualizado el: February 17, 2015 7:33 AM

To make your website visible on the Internet, you need to point your domain name to your hosting account using nameservers. For more information, see ¿Qué es DNS?

NOTE: This information applies only to accounts hosted with us. If you do not host with us, you can use the information in Setting Nameservers for Your Domain Names.

Nameservers are assigned on a per-domain name basis. The same hosting account can have domain names that need to use different sets of nameservers.

To Find Your Hosted Domain's Nameservers

  1. Inicia sesión en tu Administrador de cuenta.
  2. Al lado de Dominios, haz clic en Iniciar.
  3. Click the domain you want to use, and then select the DNS Zone File tab.

The domain's nameservers display in the NS (Nameserver) section.

NOTE: Changes to your domain nameservers can take up to 48 hours to propagate.

To Manage Your Hosting Control Panel (for Aliased Domains)

    NOTE: These are the steps used to get the nameservers for aliased domains from the Hosting Control Panel. This information can be used to access the DNS Manager for Hosted Domains.

  1. Inicia sesión en tu Administrador de cuentas.
  2. From the Products tab under your name, click the Web Hosting bar.
  3. Click the Launch button for the hosting plan you wish to access. Your Hosting Control Panel will open.
  4. From the More pull down menu, select DNS Manager. You should be defaulted to your hosting plan's primary domain.
  5. To view the zone file for an aliased domain click 'Change Zone' after 'Zone File Editor.' You should see a list of your aliased domains.
  6. Find the domain you want to view the zone file for and click OK.
  7. If you are trying to confirm nameservers for an aliased domain you recently added, scroll to the bottom of the zone file until you see the 'NS (Nameserver)' section. The nameservers listed as (Informational) will be the nameservers the domain needs to use.