Frequently Asked Questions

Disabling HTTP Compression with Your Windows Web Hosting Account

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Last Updated: December 29, 2014 6:41 PM

This article only applies to Web & Classic Hosting. For more information, see What type of hosting account do I have?

Our Windows Web Hosting accounts use HTTP compression to improve your website's performance. HTTP compression sends a compressed version of your site to visitors' Web browsers, which then decompress it, loading your site more quickly.

However, if you do not want your site to use HTTP compression, you can disable it using a web.config file.

To Disable HTTP Compression for Your Entire Website

Include the following code in your web.config file:

     <urlCompression doDynamicCompression="false" doStaticCompression="false"/>

To Disable HTTP Compression for Dynamic Pages

You can change your compression settings for static pages (HTM, TXT, etc.) versus dynamic pages (ASP, ASPX, PHP, etc.) by including the following code in your web.config file:

<urlCompression doDynamicCompression="false" doStaticCompression="true"/>

To Disable HTTP Compression for Static Pages

You can change your compression settings for static pages (HTM, TXT, etc.) versus dynamic pages (ASP, ASPX, PHP, etc.) by including the following code in your web.config file:

<urlCompression doDynamicCompression="true" doStaticCompression="false"/>